For winter wheat, spelt, wheat, zea,[1] and barley, harrow, hoe and stub upon the days which will be mentioned[2] in the sequel. A single hand per jugerum will be quite enough for any one of these kinds of grain. The operation of hoeing loosens the ground in spring when it has been hardened and saddened by the rigours of the winter, and admits the early sun to the interior. In hoeing, every care must be taken not to go beneath the roots of the corn; in the case of wheat, zea, and barley, it is best to give a couple of hoeings. Stubbing,[3] when the crop is just beginning to joint, cleanses it of all noxious weeds, disengages the roots of the corn, and liberates the growing blade from the clods. Among the leguminous plants, the chick-pea requires the same treatment that spelt does. The bean requires no stubbing, being quite able of itself to overpower all weeds; the lupine, too, is harrowed only. Millet and panic are both harrowed and hoed; but this operation is never repeated, and they do not require stubbing. Fenugreek and the kidney-bean require harrowing only.
There are some kinds of ground, the extreme fertility of which obliges the grower to comb down the crops while in the blade—this is done with a sort of harrow[4] armed with pointed iron teeth—and even then he is obliged to depasture cattle upon them. When, however, the blade has been thus eaten down, it stands in need of hoeing to restore it to its former vigour.
But in Bactria, and at Cyrenæ in Africa, all this trouble has
been rendered quite unnecessary by the indulgent benignity of
the climate, and after the seed is in, the owner has no occasion
to return to the field till the time has come for getting in the
harvest. In those parts the natural dryness of the soil prevents
noxious weeds from springing up, and, aided by the night dews
alone, the soil supplies its nutriment to the grain. Virgil[5]
recommends that the ground should be left to enjoy repose every
other year; and this, no doubt, if the extent of the farm will
admit of it, is the most advantageous plan. If, however, cir-